Sellers and marketplace

Identify sellers to expand your catalog of marketplace partners and generate more revenue for your business

Caso de uso - Marketplace

Use data intelligence to find the right contacts and prospect new partners according to product category, revenue profile and company size.

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Caso de uso - Marketplace
You will have in one place the main information about sellers: market share, main product categories and market size, based on filters that make sense for your business.

These are some challenges of identifying sellers without data intelligence:

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    Too little information that makes it difficult to identify the right sellers profile to assist in qualification

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    Browsing by category or sellers site by site makes it difficult to prospect

Understand how Cortex helps solve these challenges:

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    Market Analytics Dashboard

    Check out the graphical representation of data collected from the main marketplaces in Brazil and customize your analysis. Use parameters to refine the ICP, such as: product category, billing profile, company size, among others.

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    B2B professional contacts export

    Discover the contact information of decision makers to prospect new marketplace partners. In addition, enrich your base with contacts in the desired positions and have more assertiveness in your offer.

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    Export of company data

    Get access to information on technologies used by companies and understand the assortment of sellers segmented by product category on the various sites where they sell.

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    Integration with CRM and internal data sources with API

    Integrate your data and track the result in real time, get insights from flexible dashboards and trigger improvement actions. All in one place.

See how we make it simple for you to grow:

  • Increasing the amount of marketplace partners

    By finding sellers that fit your company more easily and with a higher volume, there is a higher probability of closing a deal than in cases of manual prospecting.

    Increase in revenue

    With a greater number of deals closed, it is natural that profits grow at the same pace

    Increase in the variety of products available on the site

    With the filters available in our panel you can search for companies that diversify the products offered to the final consumer in your marketplace.

Want to beat your goal with half the effort? Fill out the form and talk to a specialist

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